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Local Programs

Commercial Livestock Production

VCE Loudoun supports Loudoun County's livestock industries by using scientific research to promote best practices. Programs enhance agricultural production and protect the quality of our land and water resources. We offer: 

  • Technical Advice and Trainings on Livestock Production & Care, including Horses, Cattle, Small Ruminants (sheep, goat, alpaca), Swine, & Poultry
  • Pasture Management, including Soil Testing and Toxic Weeds
  • Business Operations, including Livestock Marketing,  Farm Tax Management, Financial Planning and Analysis

Reach out to Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent Carly Campbell to learn more about VCE Loudoun's commercial agriculture trainings & offerings.

Commercial Horticulture

VCE Loudoun supports Loudoun County's horticulture industries by using scientific research to promote best practices. Programs enhance agricultural production and protect the quality of our land and water resources. We offer: 

  • Technical Advice and Trainings on Horticultural Crops, including Food Crops, Fruits, Vegetables, Ornamentals
  • Safe Pesticide Use, including Commercial Pesticide Safety Training & Recertification
  • Trainings, including Worker Protection Standard and Safety Training, Commercial Pesticide Training
  • Testing, including Soil Testing, Water Testing

Reach out to Commercial Horticulturalist Beth Sastre to learn more about VCE Loudoun's Commercial Horticultural Trainings & Offerings.

Community Horticulture

Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners are trained volunteer educators  who encourage environmentally sound horticulture practices through sustainable landscape management education and training.  We offer: 

Reach out to our Master Gardeners to learn more about our programs or to become a Master Gardener.

Food & Water Safety

The family and consumer science agent serving Loudoun County covers programmatic areas primarily addressing food & water safety including: 

  • On farm food safety
  • Greenhouse production food safety
  • Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) training
  • ServSafe for food establishments
  • Farmer’s market food safety training
  • Home food preservation
  • New food product development
  • Food safety regulation compliance
  • Water Testing (wells, springs, & cisterns) 

Reach out to Associate Extension Agent Stuart Vermaak with questions about food safety & water testing.

Nutrition Programs

VCE Loudoun offers a variety of nutrition programs to the community at little to no charge, including:

Reach out to Nutrition Educator Emily Jacobs to learn more about Loudoun’s nutrition programs.

Loudoun County 4-H 

Through Loudoun County 4-H programming, youth between the ages of 5 and 18 have fun developing life skills and growing as leaders. Loudoun 4-H supports youth as they realize their full potential - becoming effective, contributing citizens through participation in research-based, informal, hands-on educational experiences. 

4-H  Programs in Loudoun County 

  • 4-H Clubs: Consider joining one of our 15+ clubs! Animals, Innovation, Sewing, and more! Find a club that interests you, and get involved. 
  • Loudoun-Fauquier Junior 4-H Camp: Youth ages 9-13 can stay at NOVA’s 4-H Center for a week of fun activities. Learn more and register here.
  • LCPS Partnerships, including the embryology program. 

Reach out to Extension Agent Carly Wright & 4-H Technician Kim Monroe to learn more about Loudoun's 4-H Programs. 

Community Viability

Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in Community Viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:   

Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.